So Who Are Those Other AoS Dwarves? Fireslayers – LORE

By Juan Lopez | May 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Lore

Brave, fearless, merciless, mercenary…. all describe the Fyreslayers. These scions of Grimnir reborn fight with or against Chaos … if the price is right.

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

The Fyreslayers are flame-bearded Duardin mercenaries that worshiped Grimnir. Grimnir was found by Sigmar chained, with Grungni, on the highest summit of the Iron Mountains. Both gods wouldn’t speak of how they got there, but both pledged oaths to repay their debts to him. Grimnir, was a warrior god, wished to repay his debt immediately, and asked Sigmar for a worthy for to do so. Sigmar chose Vulcatrix, the mother of salamanders. The resulting clash would flatten the Hills of Aqshy, turning them into the Plains of Aqshy. Even trough the god’s beard and hair turned to flame he fought on, slicing Vulcatrix seven times as the fire wyrm raked him many times in return. The battle ended when both combatants smashed headlong into each other and shattering into shards.


The Fyreslayers were one of the forces that rose up to battle after the first strikes of the Stormcast Eternals in Realm of Fire. They fought against Chaos but only if paid in Ur-Gold, however if a generous enough counter-offer was made they would willingly fight alongside the forces of chaos. Ur-Gold is the remains of the Duardin god, Grimnir, after he died fighting Vulcatrix, which the Fyreslayers accept as payment for mercenary work.

All Fyreslayers can sense the presence of this metal to some degree, but only the Auric Runesmasters can track it across the Mortal Realms. Runemasters are high-priests of the forge-temples and keepers of ancient lore of the Fyreslayers. In battle they seek out Ur-Gold. When a Fyreslayer swears an oath it is an unbreakable bond and will fight as if they were part of the payer’s army, but they except the same level of commitment from those that retain their services. Those that break such promises are not expected to live long enough to regret it.


These fierce warriors are the scions of the fallen duardin god Grimnir. They style themselves in his image in devotion and deference to him, going to battle wearing almost nothing, their hair waxed and dyed into elaborate mohawks and wielding magma-forged blades. Other races think that they only fight to hoard gold in their vast volcanic lairs, a rumor that they are happy to have disseminated. What they truly seek is Ur-Gold the remains of their god. The rune of fire is one of the most sacred runes of the Fyreslayers.


Find out more about the Fyreslayers