Magic – $1K Team Trios Tournament THIS SAT

By Rob Baer | March 19th, 2014 | Categories: Magic The Gathering

Hey guys checkout our first (of many) $1,000 Magic Tournaments!

This is a mixed format team event. Players will play as teams with each player on the team playing a different constructed format. 

This format is identical to team sealed, but instead of playing limited you will be playing constructed with your friends. The event will be Swiss with a cut to top 4. 

The semifinals will be constructed and the final table will be a Modern Masters team draft.

Date: March 22nd, 2014
Format: Mixed (Legacy, Modern, Standard)
Structure: Team Constructed Swiss with cut to Top 4 
Final table will consist of a Modern Masters Team draft
Decklists: Required
Registration: 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Start: 12:00 p.m.
Entry Fee: $75.00 per team
Location: FTW Games, (804) 464-1873
13176 Midlothian Turnpike, Midlothian, VA 23113

It can be hard to find a team for some people or get a deck for every format. This is a link that anyone can edit and list their self as what format they would prefer playing and what other formats they would play in order of preference. 

Lastly, please leave contact information for people to communicate with you. A link to your Facebook and phone number should be sufficient.

There is also a section that you can list extra decks that you have available in various formats to help other get a team.

Prize Payout:
1st – $500 Dollars cash AND Commemorative Playmats

The other cash prizes will be determined based on attendance.