Don’t miss our unboxing and build of the Necromunda Gang Stronghold & Orlock Arms Masters, and tell you the GOTCHAS of building them!
We are unboxing the new Orlock kits and Necromunda terrain pieces and seeing what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop. Rob goes over the kits, compares it to other models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!
We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course, size comparisons. That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!
Necromunda Gang Stronghold & Orlock Arms Masters: Unboxing
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Let’s see if these boxes are worth the money, especially the terrain.
Orlock Arms Masters
This kit comes with 2 identical sprues. Very similar to how they do the Bloodbowl and other Necromunda Gang releases.
Instructions & Sprues
The instructions are very well laid out and with it being identical sprues, building them shouldn’t be too bad. The Arms Master comes with two variants, where the arms and heads are different but the body is the same. Rob is not a fan of the flying bases the Wreckers come with, but we’ll see how it goes!
They really crammed a lot into these two sprues! Nothing wrong with that, but it might be confusing to tell what goes where. Because these aren’t ETB style, there will be some flash to cut off.
If you want to see how the ETB style differs, check this out.
Completed Minis
The Arms Master went together pretty well. It goes together in a single pose, but then you can vary different aspects from the base mini like arms, weapons, and heads.
Even the Mastiff is on the 32mm base and overall has a great feel to it!
The Wrecker has a decent amount of pieces but still went together pretty easily. Other than the flying base, Rob loves it. You get a decent amount of great looking minis in this kit and it’s just really fun overall.
Size Comparison
Even though the game isn’t meant to be perfectly scaled for 40k, it fits into the line pretty well.
Necromunda Gang Stronghold
This runs $90 which is an interesting price point. People have been pretty 50/50 on the pricing, but it says it can be used in 40k and Necromunda. Let’s check it out!
Instructions and Sprues
These come with the rules as well as all the instructions. The instructions are pretty hard to make out honestly, just because of the color of the instructions and the distance. They seem laid out okay, just a little hard to read and not a ton of close up instruction. Rob goes over all the instructions in detail, so be sure to watch the video for all the little details. Just to note, he’s going to build these in sections and then connect them later.
You get one unique sprue in here and then 4 identical ones. It is a decent amount of plastic and looks pretty great overall.
Completed Terrain
The kit is very modular and not too bad to build. If you have the other kits, you can mix and match them with this. The watchtower is about 10″ tall and the whole layout of the stronghold is about 18″ long, so a decent amount of terrain.
You can see the scale pretty well here with the Necromunda guys and Marine on there. It’s very well sized for Necromunda and not terribly sized for 40k.
Some Gotchas
They say there are more blast screens in the box than there really are. Also, just be sure you dry-fit everything first because the directions don’t really give you exactly where it all glues on to. Nothing too crazy, just take your time and dry fit first! Other than that the wall sections fit together very well and look great. Just one last thing to note here, there was one single extra piece, so don’t expect a bunch of bits!
That does it for this one, overall two pretty cool sets! The builds were easy, the modulation is great, and the scale looks spot on. Stuff has been selling out super fast lately, so if you want it, don’t wait too long!
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