
Necrons News, Rumors, Articles & Updates

Welcome to the ancient tomb worlds of the Necrons, where the latest rules, model updates, point adjustments, and metallic rumors are. Learn about their unstoppable legions, advanced technology, and the enigmatic dynasties commanding their forces with the links below:

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From the devastating firepower of the Doomsday Ark to the terrifying command of the Silent King, follow the rise of the Necrons as they awaken to reclaim the galaxy from the living.

This is your destination for all the freshest updates on their conquests, strategies, and the dark future they seek to impose

Welcome back to another polite rant/ clarification about a topic I feel very strongly about, the Necron Leak by Beast of War. First of all I wanted to clear up several serious points that were bugging me.  I do not think the leak was a bad thing for the hobby, personally I enjoyed seeing the photos and can not […]

Read More | October 20th, 2011

YEAH! NECRONS! The stagnant months of no rumors are gone, people are excited and all is well with the 40k Universe again? Or not? This may be very, very, bad for the hobby as a whole. Stick around read the whole article, take it all in and let me know where you stand. This is a complex and […]

Read More | October 14th, 2011