AntiMatter Games has just added the Sea Serpent Warbeast to their Deepwars world. Come and take a look at this scaly wonder!
Made from resin and on a 50mm base, the Sea Serpent Warbeast joins enters into the fight of the Nereids of Blood Reef. The model is for the Deepwars Game System or can be used for any fantasy scenario or setting. Imagine a high seas RPG campaign with this as an encounter.
Sea Serpent Warbeast: $34.99
The Nereids use many warbeasts to cleanse invaders from their reef home, including the deadly Sea Serpents, ancient creatures related to ethereal dragons and revered by the sorcerers of Xibalba, who used their blood when creating the Nereids. They are fast and covered in thick scales, making them difficult to take down but they are most feared for their sharp fangs and highly toxic venom.
Height: 90 mm long
Base: 50mm
Sculpted by: Valerio Terranova
Casting: resin
This model is available now and if you are curious about Deepwars, check out their game system overview.
For more on Sea Serpent Warbeast and other Deepwars models, visit AntiMatter-games!