The new preview for Star Wars: Legion’s AT-ST Scout Walker is finally here. Get the latest on the unit expansion that will soon be stomping across your table!
In this latest preview from Fantasy Flight Games for Star Wars: Legion, we get to see how the AT-ST will be used on the table. A standard Legion army can only include two heavy units, and coming in at 195 points, having 2 At-STs in your force would not a great idea since your are allotted 800 points for a standard game. However, it is worth it take at least one since AT-STs have the highest health and has the Armor keyword, meaning only critical hits will damage it. There are two exceptions; 1) anti-vehicle weaponry with Impact and 2) attacks that target the rear armor of the AT-ST gain Impact 1.
All AT-STs come armed with an MS-4 Twin Blaster Cannon and has 3 hardpoint upgrade slots. These slots can be loaded with 3 unique weapons: the 88 Rwin Blaster Light Cannon, the DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher, and the Mortar Launcher. The Grenade Launcher has the Blast keyword which ignores cover. The Mortar Launcher can only be used at long range and inflicts suppression tokens more than anything else.
All 3 weapons can be loaded up at the same time. The AT-ST does have the Arsenal 2 keyword, meaning it can attack with 2 weapons each time you attack. Using General Weiss as your pilot, you gain Arsenal 2. This will stack to give your At-ST Arsenal 4. This will allow you to make an attack with every single weapon.
AT-ST Unit Expansion: $49.95
The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world—few images are more representative of Imperial power than the shining white armor of a Stormtrooper or the rumble of a walker stomping through city streets or across the battlefield. Soon, you’ll be able to supplement your Stormtroopers with another symbol of Imperial oppression: the All Terrain Scout Transport!
An AT-ST is an awe-inspiring sight to the average foot soldier. It towers above the battlefield, stalking inimically forward on mechanized legs and raining a hail of fire and death from its laser cannons and powerful weapons systems. With the AT-ST Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion, you’ll find a single finely sculpted, massive AT-ST miniature, which can be assembled to loom over the battlefield and provide a rallying point for your entire army. Alongside this beautiful miniature, you’ll find an assortment of all the unit cards and upgrade cards that you’ll need to fully integrate the AT-ST into the Empire’s war machine—and your armies.
That wraps up the AT-ST Unit Expansion preview for Star War: Legion, which is available now for pre-order online and at your FLGS.
For more on this expansion, Star Wars: Legion and other great tabletop games, visit Fantasy Flight Games!