Avatars of War: Midwife of Pestilence & Halloween Super Sale

AoW Feature rAoW is giving 25% off on all their products to celebrate Halloween, and the Midwife of Pestilence is the perfect mini to celebrate with!

There are not too many minis out there that say Halloween quite like this incredible new mini from AoW! If you’ve been looking for a fun spooky treat for yourself, you have to look into this one. And what’s a better way to celebrate Halloween than a massive discount on all their products? Don’t miss out on the sale and have to pay more later!

The Midwife is a disgustingly beautiful mini that brings pestilence into the world. When the demons are just coming into being, she ushers them into the world with some soft words and a little bit of that plague love. Let’s take a closer look at this amazing mini!

Midwife of Pestilence: $13.28 (With the Sale Price)


The Midwives of Pestilence are in charge of preparing the way for all kinds of spawns and offspring of the Pestilence to the physical world. These Demons ensure that the Portals of Conception are always open and in good condition, and will accompany the “newborns” once they arrive in our world through these ill portals.

midwife-of-pestilence 2This big mama ain’t kidding around! If you try to stop her in her work, you’ll meet the business end of that nasty weapon! If you love what Avatars of War are up to, check out what else they have going on!

For those who want to see a 360 view of this great mini, be sure to check out the link and bask in her glory!

Halloween Sale:

Halloween SaleDon’t miss out on this amazing sale! 25% off is no joke, and it’s only for a few days so make sure to grab it while you can.

That does it for these amazing mini and sale! Go check out this incredible mini and save some money.

Grab Your Midwife of Pestilence & Halloween Super Sale Here!