Bloodfields: Complete 3D Printable Wargame by Titan Forge

bloodfields titanforgeDon’t miss Bloodfields, the very first complete 3d printable wargame from home by the amazing creative team at Titan Forge!

The team at Titan Forge has something brand new to the tabletop world  Come and see the Bloodfields Kickstarter, an all-inclusive Wargame your can Print from home.


BLOODFIELDS : Complete 3D Printable Wargame

Welcome to the first tabletop skirmish wargame system that you can print entirely on your home 3D printer!

Back us today and download over 100 ready-to-print fantasy models! You will easily turn the pre-supported STL files into physical miniatures for all purposes you can imagine. 3D printing has never been more simple!

Bloodfields wargame will keep on living long after this Kickstarter campaign ends. Digital models, the universality of 3D printers, and the web app will allow Bloodfields to expand MONTHLY. To guarantee it, we will use our Patreon page. It will be a source of new models, rules, scenarios, and serve as a basic instrument for the community.






Starter Set! Pledge now and get:

  • All STL models from three starter warbands: Knights, Elves, and Orcs.
  • BLOODFIELDS rules, character cards, scenarios, and mobile app.
  • All STL models of terrain miniatures.
  • All STL models of accessories.
  • All unlocked stretch goals!

 Full Collection! Pledge now and get:

  • All the content from the Starter Set.
  • All 6 additional warbands: Dragon Empire, Demons, Dwarfs, Vampires, Amazons, and Ogres.

You can also create a custom pledge with just the warbands you prefer. For that, see the instructions in the add-on section

The Bloodfields Kickstarter looks like a great way to start a new game and could be the future of Wargaming as we know it. Make sure you visit this great looking KS and secure your pledge today!

BLOODFIELDS : Complete 3D Printable Wargame