Creature Casters King of War Demon Revealed

By Wesley Floyd | June 18th, 2018 | Categories: Creature Caster, Tabletop Gaming Products

king of war creature caster

There is a new King of War out there, as Creature Caster just revealed their latest new demon release. Judging by the response on Facebook, this one is a must see!

We got hints that a new model was coming and we tried to guess what it was a few weeks ago. Now we have confirmation on what is coming from Creature Caster themselves, as this new model got released this morning.

Creature Caster King of War Demon  $109.00

king of war 1

king of war helm

The model is available with a 2-piece head selection. Bare face or helmet, wings or none. Either way, the King of War will make a great Bloodthirster of Khorne or a horrifying boss for any D&D campaign.

king of war unpainted

resin counter

King of War with Gift. First 100 orders come with a resin counter.

Get yours now, and who knows maybe you’ll be one of the first 100 orders that comes with a resin counter!

What do you think of this model, and what will you be using it for? Let us know in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Group.

creature caster logo

Get it from the Creature Caster Store now!