Dawn of War III Update & Free Play Weekend

dow3 chapter master gabriel angelos blood raven

Dawn of War 3 has a brand new update for its multiplayer and is celebrating that with a free to play weekend. Come check it out!

Dawn of War 3 did have a rough launch and is currently still struggling to get fans of the Dawn Of War series into the game. The latest update, called  Endless War, is the biggest post-launch content release and will focus primarily on the multiplayer aspect of DoW 3. Endless War adds 3 multiplayer maps, 5 new Elite cosmetic skins, and 3 new Elites. The three new elites are: the Lifta Droppa Wagon, the Wraithseer Kayduin, and the Ironclad Dreadnought. Each come with their own unique abilities. Dawn of War 3 is now free to play for the weekend on Steam and is 50% off until October 23rd if you decide to buy.

DoW Lifta Droppa

The five new skins include: Primaris Chaplain skin for Diomedes, Deathwing Terminators and Assault Terminators, the Salamanders Ironclad Dreadnought, and the Eldar’s Kyre wearing the traditional Farseer helmet. The Primaris Chaplain is the first instance of a playable Primaris Space Marine in the Dawn of War universe. If that isn’t all then there are the new maps and options.

Salamander Ironclad

The new multiplayer maps will take you to the snow-covered, arcane Eldar ruins in Shrine of Asuryan; the desert plain of Serpent Chasm that is surround by water and filled with the bones of sea serpents; and on the weather-beaten fuel rig that has been looted by Orks and has been renamed Da Extractor. Players will also have the capability of toggling on or off Doctrines, Elites, and faction abilities.

Shrine of Asuryan


Dawn of War 3: $19.99 (Until Oct. 23)

DoW 3 game box

Step into a brutal battle between three warring factions. In Dawn of War III you will have no choice but to face your foes when a catastrophic weapon is found on the mysterious world of Acheron.

With war raging and the planet under siege by the armies of greedy Ork warlord Gorgutz, ambitious Eldar seer Macha, and mighty Space Marine commander Gabriel Angelos, supremacy must ultimately be suspended for survival. Take control of towering war machines and tip the balance of battle in your favor with the biggest characters in Dawn of War history. Turn the tide with the mighty Imperial Knight (Space Marine), the clattering Gorkanaut (Ork), or the haunting Wraithknight (Eldar). Dawn of War is famous for its epic action and those immense clashes are back – but now they’re off-the-scale. Wage war with massive armies across violent volcanic terrain or mighty orbital Star Forts.

Take your battle plans to another level by deploying powerful collectible elite squads, each boasting their own special abilities and bonuses that will help you unlock and develop new attacking strategies to conquer your foes.Cause devastation on the battlefield with powerful super-abilities. Rain down total destruction on your enemies with the Space Marine’s Orbital Bombardment, the Eldar’s blistering Eldritch Storm or the Ork’s Rokks to counter your unsuspecting rivals.

Dawn of War 3 is available now on Steam free-to-play and is 50% off until October 23rd. Be sure to also check the Endless War teaser trailer below.

For more on Dawn of War 3 and the Dawn of War universe, visit Relic Entertainment!