Download Free Frostgrave Core Rules From Osprey

FrostgraveStuck at home with all those miniatures? Osprey Publishing is giving you free rules for Frostgrave, one of the best fantasy wargames on the market!

The creative team at Osprey Publishing wants to do their part to help boost people’s spirits in this trying time. That’s why they are offering free access to the world of Frostgrave. Let’s take a look.

Download Free Frostgrave Core Rules From Osprey

Via: The Renaissance Troll

I have been talking with Osprey Games about how we can help out with all of the people who are currently stuck at home, either by government order or because they are helping by self-isolating. It seems like this is a time when everyone could use a little solo gaming! I suggested that we give away Dark Alchemy, since that has 3 solo scenarios… but that only helps people who already play Frostgrave.  So, in the end, we just decided to give away the Frostgrave rulebook too!

FrostgraveRight now, you can go onto the Osprey Publishing website and download both the Frostgrave Rulebook and Dark Alchemy as FREE PDFs using the code: FGV2020.

But that didn’t seem quite enough for what is likely to be a long lockdown, so we are also giving away the first section of Frostgrave: Perilous Dark, which includes 3 more SOLO scenarios, as well as some advice on creating your own solo scenarios.Frostgrave

So, if you’ve ever wondered about the game, but weren’t sure, here is a chance to give it a look! You can even try it out, solo-style, by using the scenarios found in Dark Alchemy and Perilous DarkFrostgraveAnd don’t worry – Frostgrave has always been a game about using whatever miniatures and terrain you have – no need to buy anything new to start. So, have some fun, roll some dice, fight some monsters and see if you can survive. Then hop online to the Frostgrave Facebook Page, Board Game Geek, Reddit, Lead Adventure, or any other wargame hangouts and share your stories and your pictures, so we can all share in the adventure.Frostgrave

Good luck!

P.S. Play Dark Alchemy first, Perilous Dark is much harder!

This is a great opportunity to start something new with the family or run some great solo missions! Make sure you visit Osprey Publishing and secure your PDF today!