FFG Cries Havoc For Upcoming X-Wing Release

Havoc Xwing

Fantasy Flight Games has announced a new expansion pack for all you Rebel and Scum out there. Let’s take a peek at the H-6 Bomber.

The immediate tease for the Scurrg H-6 Bomber is infinite bombs. Yes, the Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack brings infinite bombs to the your dogfights, two non-unique pilots, two aces – including a Rebel and Scum version of Captain Nym, ten upgrades, and flexible maneuver dial. The H-6 is armed with six laser, a synced turret, a Bomblet Generator and, with ace pilots, this bomber is built for war.


The Bomblet Generator unique upgrade costs three squad points and allows you to deploy a bomblet token once each round after you reveal your maneuver. Once equipped, the Bomblet Generator functions like several bomb-slot upgrades. Now, the Bomblet Generator can also function like your primary weapon since it does not get discarded. In some cases, this can be a bad tactic due to lack of synergy in a larger squadron. But, as a flanker, it can be a great choice to annoy enemy ships. Now, the ace card included, captain Nym, adds more to the H-6. Nym was a hero of the Clone Wars and the Rebellion and leader of the Lok Revenants pirate band.

Scum Nym

You can play him as Rebel or Scum. As Scum, he can ignore friendly bombs and fly over Proximity Mines and Conner Nets. He can even ignore damage from Seismic Charges. As a Rebel, Nym gives additional value to bombs by preventing a friendly bomb from exploding once per round. He can keep a bomb exploding and having no effect and there is no limit to the number of rounds he can target the same round.

Rebel Nym

Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack: $19.95

Scurrg H-6 Bomber

The Scurrg H-6 Bomber was crafted with combat versatility in mind. It was armed with powerful shields and a bristling array of destructive weaponry, and one of its prototypes was infamously stolen by Captain Nym. You’ll find not one, but two different ship cards for this notorious pirate in the Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack for X-Wing™, allowing you to fly him with the Rebellion or the galaxy’s Scum and Villainy. Additionally, the expansion’s pre-painted, small-base miniature starship is accompanied by three other ship cards, plus a hefty complement of ten upgrades laden with ordnance.

The the Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack can be pre-ordered now at your local retailer. No release date has been given.

For more information on the Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack and all things Star Wars: X-Wing, visit Fantasy Flight Games!