FFG Previews Resistance Bomber Expansion

Resistance Bomber

Fantasy Flight has given us a preview of the new Resistance Bomber that is part of the Wave XII release for Star Wars: X-Wing!

The B/SF-17 heavy bomber has a big part to play in the Resistance’s plans, and the Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack lets you realize those plans in your games of X-Wing™. The B/SF-17 is a large-based heavy bomber with a hefty mix of shields and hull, a primary weapon turret, and the means to load up on bombs… a lot of bombs. It also brings something new to bombers and X-Wing: trajectory.

Resistance Bomber contents

The Trajectory Simulator system upgrade allows the Resistance bomber to launch bombs from its front guides, rather than dropping them from the rear. Instead of dropping a bomb and revealing the maneuver dial, a ship equipped with Trajectory Simulator can instead choose to launch the bomb, placing the straight Speed 5 template in its front guides and then placing the bomb token at the other end. You’ll have to be sure you don’t then fly into your bomb’s explosion, but you’ll have the option to turn away from your bombs, or even reverse your thrust and come to a complete stop.


With the introduction of Trajectory Simulator, your bomber squadrons will soon be able to present a viable forward-facing threat, but you’ll need to learn how best to plan your approach in order to catch your foes with your bombs. No matter how you master your bombing runs, however, you’re going to need a back-up plan. The Crossfire Formation Title upgrade can make a big difference. Your bombers shouldn’t have to fight alone, and so long as they’re fighting alongside one or more Resistance ships—at least one of which is at Range 1 to 2 of the attacker—your bombers can gain a free focus result whenever they’re defending.


the Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack advances the possibility further by introducing a healthy supply of tech upgrades. The expansion’s copy of Targeting Synchronizer and its two copies of Advanced Optics are extra fodder for your Resistance ships.

Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack: $39.95

Resistance Bomber Box

A strategic ordnance platform flown by brave Resistance pilots, the B/SF-17 heavy bomer arrives to X-Wing™ as a towering, large-base ordnance platform with room for one systems upgrade, one tech upgrade, and two bombs. In addition to its pre-painted miniature starship, the Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack provides a host of potential pilots and upgrades. In total, you’ll find four ship cards, thirteen upgrades, one condition card, a maneuver dial, and all the plastic and tokens you need to rain destructive ordnance upon the First Order!

The Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack is available for pre-order online or from your FLGS.

For more on the Resistance Bomber and all things Star Wars: X-Wing, visit Fantasy Flight Games!