FFG Releases Uthuk Infantry Command Expansion

By Juan Lopez | November 29th, 2017 | Categories: Fantasy Flight Games, Runewars, Tabletop Gaming Products

Runewars Uthuk Yllan Command

Fantasy Flight Games has released the Infantry Command expansion for the Uthuk Y’llan. Let these special units bolster your demonic hordes.

The Uthuk Y’llan consumed everything in their path until their defeat at the end of the First Darkness. Now, they have returned and their elites bring chaos and destruction. The Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Expansion brings four new figures and eighteen new upgrade cards to the table. The expansion includes the Witch, Shrieker, Warsprinter, and Grotesque.

The Uthuk Witches drive the ravenous hordes of the Uthuk Y’llan. With sacrifices and rites, they have renewed allegiances and unleashed furious hordes. Witches can use the upgrade Psychosis Siren to allow the player two powers. They can cause all enemies from Range 1 to the number of unstable runes on the field to suffer a severity -1 morale test. They can also choose an enemy to give a panic token, regardless of whether or not the card is exhausted. They excel in keeping their distance and doing damage. They will never ride into a battle where they are at a disadvantage, even if it means they must inflict self-harm to strengthen the greater host of the locust swarm. After energy tokens are cast during setup and the End Phase, a Bloodfire Witch may exhaust her upgrade card to recast an energy token.

Uthuk Witches

Even after the upgrade has been exhausted, the witch may inflict a wound upon herself and, in exchange for her sacrifice, recast an energy token with inactive unstable runes, helping to ensure that your connection to the unstable forces of the Ynfernael remains strong.

The Shriekers are the poor souls that are dragged to the witches and have their lungs drawn out. They are kept alive by unholy means and their mouths are frozen open in a rictus scream. Only an obedient husk remains. They are used to direct the hordes and have an upgrade called Aggressive Shrieker that allows an Uthuk army to treat a march as if it also has a charge modifier. They do not suffer panic if they do not collide with the enemy when using this ability.


Shriekers inspire fear from their enemies and loyalty from the warriors of the Uthuk Y’llan. In the heat of battle, a Rallying Shrieker can use a skill action to bolster their fellow warriors, allowing each ally between ranges one and three to either remove one bane or ready one upgrade card. Meanwhile, a Tactical Shrieker can navigate the chaos of war with ease, enabling its unit to disengage from enemies without receiving panic tokens.

Warsprinters lead the charge and have had their bones warped and stretched by witches. These bone spikes are decorated with fetishes from defeated enemies and Uthuk banners. The Warsprinter upgrade card Rage Spine allows its allies a skill action to perform a speed -1 march as long as the Warsprinter’s command tool is revealed. The unit can utilize a skill action to perform a march equal to the number of unstable runes on the field. The Uthuk Bannerscamp equips you with a powerful ability, stating that, once per round, when a nearby enemy would suffer a morale test, you may instead cause them to receive panic tokens equal to the severity of that test.

ShriekerGrotesques are tribesmen that have been blessed by Ynfernael as they join the Uthuk ranks by offering their own bodies as sacrifice. With the Grotesque Slasher upgrade, after melee is engaged, the player controlling the grotesque can roll an extra blue die. If the die shows a strike icon, a stun token is inflicted on the enemy. If a surge is shown, then the defender receives an immobilize token. The drawback is that when using either ability, the Grotesque suffers one wound.


During either a melee or a ranged attack, a Mutilated Grotesque may exhaust their upgrade card to add a morale modifier. In addition to this more limited ability, whenever an enemy engaged with the Mutilated Grotesque suffers a morale test, you may draw an additional morale card, even if the Mutilated Grotesque card has been exhausted.

Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Expansion: $24.95

Runewars Uthuk Yllari Command

Strengthen your deadly swarm with the Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game! Customize your forces with the Blood Witch, Shrieker, War Sprinter, and Grotesque.

The Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion includes four new figures and 18 new upgrade cards. Gather your forces from the Ynfernael and conquer Terrinoth!

The Uthuk Y’llan Infantry Command Unit Expansion is available now to order online or at your FLGS. Be sure to also check out our vid on how to jump into Runewars!

For more information on the Uthuk Y’llan and all things Runewars, visit Fantasy Flight Games!