First British Dog Unit Teased for Konflikt ’47!

Konflict 47

Get ready for a new unit to enter the fray against the undead! Come check out this teaser for the first dog unit for Konflikt ’47!

Source: Konflikt ’47 (Facebook)

Touted as being the first dog unit for Konflikt ’47, early concepts and miniature for the British Dog Unit were teased. More info below!

So something new and very early in the process for you to take a look at. The first of the British Dog unit. English Bull terriers on some sort of enhanced diet, bred to counter the Totenkorp threat. There will be 3 dogs and a handler minimum in a unit. Enjoy this early glance.

Konflikt Dog unit

Konflict Dog Unit

For more information on Konflikt ’47 products and news, check out Warlord Games and their Facebook!

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