FREE Runewars Undead Painting Guide by The Army Painter!

Waiqar the Undead Army

As FFG releases their new Runewars Miniatures Game, they are also releasing a painting guide free by The Army Painter. Come check it out!

The painting guide for the Waiqar the Undying Army by The Army Painter is a 25.6MB pdf that contains everything one would need to get their undead looking as evil and intimidating as possible. From base terrain ideas to paint schemes for elite units, this guide will benefit anyone looking for ways to improve their technique. Below are some samples from the guide.

Waiqar the Undying Army Painting Guide (pdf, 25.6MB)

FFG is proud to announce that we will be working directly with The Army Painter to bring you the absolute finest in army painting techniques to use on your Runewars Miniatures Game armies. Employing their tried-and-true four-step method, The Army Painter is providing all our fans with easy and efficient methods to advance your hobby with Runewars Miniatures Game.

Waiqar the Undying Army

Waiqar the UndyingWaiqar the Undying

For more information on the Runewars Miniature Game, which is out now, and other Runewars products visit FantasyFlightGames!

Be sure to also check out our Unboxing video of the Runewars Miniature Game!