Guild Ball Releases New Expansion Kits

By Juan Lopez | August 25th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products

GB Alchemists

New players are set to take the vicious Guild Ball field as Steamforged Games releases expansion kits for most of their factions!

Guild Ball is a fantasy tabletop medieval-styled football game that is easy to learn and has 9 different factions to choose from. Steamforged Games will be releasing expansion packs for most of their factions later this month and in July. If you are interested in learning more about Guild Ball and what it takes to get started, check out their introduction page.

The Engineer’s Guild: The Instruments of War: $75

GB Engineers

Former dog of war. Ambitious tinkerer. Volatile genius. Ballista’s brilliance is as intimidating as his past. No longer squandering his talents on the waste of war, his newest gadgets and gizmos seek to quash the natural talents of man. Why train to be the best when you can simply build something better?  His team’s playstyle is one of accuracy and control. Their gadgets and devices excel where humans fall short, allowing the team to push around players and the ball from a distance. Resilient in combat, this team excels in the mid-game. Geared to command the pitch with calculated precision, these Engineers are perfect for coaches who like creative scheming and calculated plans.

Masters of mechanical manipulation, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Ballista, Mainspring, Salvo, Velocity, Ratchet, Colossus.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Fisherman’s Guild: The Changing Tide: $75

GB Fishers

As a cunning predator, Shark is the kind of captain crowds love to watch and players hate to face because he’s aggressively fast. And he’s not shy about showing off. Circling the currents of the pitch, his plays aim to shame—he darts in, steals the ball, and sinks a shot in a flash of blue. Fading back into the murky shadows, he patiently waits to strike again. Fast, agile, and fragile, his team’s playstyle is about outsmarting opponents with clever plays and swfit goals. Led by one of the fastest captains, this team clinches the early game by sinking goals quickly. Coaches who want speed and a kick stronger than the surging tides will find this Fishermen team to be a perfect match.

As unyielding as the seas, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Shark, Salt, Angel, Siren, Greyscales, Kraken.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Hunter’s Guild: Blessed of the Sun Farther: $75

GB Hunters

A bestial captain with untamed power, Theron strikes with the frenzy of a cornered beast. Tempered by the hardships of war, his primal wrath pushes him to endure and survive. He lives for the thrill of the hunt. Every chase into dense forest leads his prey to face their brutal end. Theron’s Hunters are a rabid pack. Only when their opponent is most vulnerable will they pounce. Using traps and thick forests, they control the flow of the game by herding opponents directly into danger for brutal take-outs. Patient coaches looking for a fast pack of players to ensnare their prey will enjoy the fury of these Hunters.

Swift predators prowling the pitch, this set includes a ball, trap, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Theron, Egret, Zarola, Jaecar, Hearne, Fahad.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Mortician’s Guild: The Master of Puppets: $75

GB Morticians

Obulus’ veins course with dark power. Feared as much he is hated, he’s as foul as a living cadaver. Enslaving minds to obey his undying will, opponents are but meek instruments for victory. No one can escape his cruel grasp. Obulus’ team of Morticians leave their opponents mourning in a wake of disruptive manipulation. Menacing and unforgiving, the Morticians actively dismantle their opponent’s strategies. Coaches who want to outsmart and exploit their opponents will live for the Mortician’s Guild.

Laborers of death, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Obulus, Dirge, Silence, Cosset, Ghast, Graves.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Union: Shadow of the Tyrant: $75

GB Union

Despised by the righteous, Blackheart’s sole motivation is wealth. A trait befitting a former marauder of the sea. With a body count as far-reaching as the depths of his brutality, he’s as swift as shadows. Only death and ruin can keep up with this tyrannous captain. The Union is a team of criminals with specialized strengths. Under the nefarious rule of Blackheart, this gang of thugs can quickly match his speed or strike with more damage for precision take-outs. Each a deadly tool with a purpose, the Union is the perfect team for Coaches who want a band of ruthless cutthroats with clear-cut strengths.

Merciless mercenaries out for coin, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Blackheart, Decimate, Gutter, Rage, Avarisse & Greede (and standalone Greede), Coin.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Butcher’s Guild: The Bloody Master: $75

GB Butchers

Tougher than gristle, Ox sees Guild Ball as nothing but brutal blood sport. More merciless maniac than athlete, the master butcher has transformed the pitch into a kitchen nightmare—cleavers, knives, hooks, you name it, his team wields it. Why the cutlery? Because to this deranged butcher, everyone—even his teammates—is a succulent meat bag, crying out for pain. His team’s playstyle is simple: get to the opposing team and shred flesh until there’s nothing left. With a ruthless and unforgiving captain, it’s no surprise their bread and butter is mid- to late game, after they’ve broken the minds and bodies of their opponents. Coaches eager to skewer and maim will delight in the savage brutality of these Butchers.

Cleaving their way to winner’s circle one opponent at a time, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Ox, Princess, Brisket, Boiler, Boar, Shank.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

The Alchemist’s Guild: The Lure of Gold: £50

GB Alchemists

Roiling inside Midas is an unquenchable desire for power. Driven to madness by his acrid ambitions, he’s quick to exploit chaos of flames and smokes on the pitch. At all costs, avoid his touch—it dooms all to the burdens of ruin. Midas and his Alchemists engulf the pitch in deadly fumes and flames. These toxic effects quickly choke team movement, letting Midas score with his deceptive speed. Coaches who want to lick opponents with the fires of aggressive positioning will enjoy maiming their opponents with this toxic team.

Each a potent ingredient, this set includes a ball, 6 player cards, bases, and 6 players: Midas, Flask, Mercury, Calculus, Vitriol, Katalyst.

Warning, not a toy! Not for use by children under three years old. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

All of these sets are available now and more are slated to release in September for the Fisherman and Mortician Guilds.

For more information on these sets and all things Guild Ball, visit Steamforged Games!