John Carter of Mars RPG From Modiphius Funded

By Juan Lopez | January 16th, 2018 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

john carter of mars kickstarter

The dying world of Barsoom needs the help of brave adventurers, and John Carter of Mars will answer the call in this new RPG from Modiphius!

John Carter of Mars – Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom throws you into the deep end of a planetary romance tabletop RPG that has been crafted using the rich lore of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Modiphius has been working for two years to bring this project to your tabletop and they have succeeded.

John Carter Minis GameThis project was funded almost immediately after going live and, at the time of writing, have reached $96k which has blown away their $27k goal. Aside from a rich core rule book there are also sets of high-definition 32mm resin miniatures that capture the heroes of Barsoom, the Zodangan Fighting Crews, and more.

Heroes of Barsoom

The core rule book contains a perfect overview of the Barsoom to introduce new players to the world where their want for adventure will be met. All lore in for this project was carefully reviewed by John Carter scholar Scott Tracy Griffin. As for the rules and mechanics, the utilizes the Momentum system, which is a streamlined version of the 2d20 system that is used in other games such as Infinity and Conan. Players will be able to build characters based on abilities and talents that are determined by your background and archetype. There are also ‘Eras of Play’ that help address the temporal changes in the John Carter universe. Each era will have certain kingdoms rising and falling; heroes that are alive, dead, missing, or even unborn; or belief systems, customs, and more that do or do not exist.

John Carter character sheet

Currently, all stretch goals have been reached and these include miniature sets and a 3 part campaign supplement on pdf. The John Carter of Mars – Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom Kickstarter has a month to go and who know what other stretch goals will be added. Be sure to check out the teaser video for The Dying World of Barsoom.

So, stop by and check out the John Carter of Mars – Adventures on The Dying World of Barsoom Kickstarter for more information, images, and to become a backer!