JOYTOY marks the return of Lion El’Jonson in Warhammer 40k with several stellar Dark Angels action figures, including Azrael!
JOYTOY is showing Dark Angels fans some love with these fantastic figures. The Lion and several of his entourage are available to order right now!
JOYTOY Reveals Dark Angels Primarch Lion El’Jonson & Azrael Action Figures!
These are just some of the characters you can grab! Check out their catalog to see everything currently available or on pre-order.
If you’ve been eyeing any of the fantastic JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figures, use our exclusive discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% and get yours for less from David Toys!
Best of all, they have free shipping to the States!
JOYTOY Primarch Lion El’Jonson:
Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys| Locker Toys | Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |
Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% from David Toys
JOYTOY has captured all of the primarch’s small, essential details, even his intricate skull-patterned belt. In addition to the two Watchers in the Dark who’ve accompanied him everywhere, this 1:18 scale figure brings all of the Dark Angel iconography to life.
He comes with a decent number of bits and plenty of heads! Everything looks great, and if you aren’t a fan of Old Man Lion, you can throw on one of the helmets!
The Lion is not traveling alone, however, as his sons have made their way to accompany their Primarch.
Grand Master Azrael
Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys| Locker Toys | Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |
Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% from David Toys
With his own Watcher in the Dark, the Supreme Commander of the Dark Angels, Grand Master Azrael, has arrived with helmeted and un-helmeted options.
Lazarus, Master of the 5th Company
Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys| Locker Toys | Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |
Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% from David Toys
The first Primaris Marine to be inducted into the Dark Angels’ inner circle, Lazarus, Master of the 5th Company, has also joined the fray.
Dark Angels Company Master
Click on these links to order yours for less: David Toys| Locker Toys | Entertainment Earth | Sideshow Collectibles | Merchoid | Amazon | | Games Workshop | or eBay |
Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% from David Toys
The last to join the Lion would be this unnamed Dark Angels Company Master, who comes with a power fist as well as options to carry your other standard weapons such as a bolt pistol or power sword.
This is just a small preview of the massive JOYTOY Warhammer 40k action figure selection available on David Toys after their recent restock. Don’t miss out on your chance to pick up these before they’re gone again!
Click Here to Get Your JOYTOY Figures From David Toys or Amazon
Use discount code SPIKEYBITS at checkout to save 12% from David Toys
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