Knight Models Teases Bat-Armor Traits & More

By Juan Lopez | September 5th, 2017 | Categories: Knight Models, Tabletop Gaming Products


Knight Models continues to tease Batman Miniatures Game Second Edition rules and changes. Let’s take a look at what they have teased so far!

Knight Models was founded in 2008. Since the beginning of the company they have been teamed up with Marvel Entertainment Inc. and DC Universe, putting out amazing miniatures for both franchises. They have released several teasers for the new Batman Miniatures Game 2nd Edition. They have also teased an image of the new Batman and Law Forces miniatures.

Batman 2e

The new Batman and Law Forces sculpts look absolutely great and are set to appear on Knight Models’ on-line store soon. Now, lets see what Knight Models had to tease for Batman 2nd Edition:

New Character Card

The character card is one of the most essential parts of the Batman Miniature Game. Different versions of each character appear differely on their cards so as to mimic their background stories. You’ll easily be able to tell if you’re facing the Batman from the Arkham Knight video game or from the Animated Series! For the comfort of our players, cards have been changed to a standardized 2.5” by 3.5”, a format frequently used in board games and miniature games. In the top left is the model’s Name and Alias along with it’s faction’s background colour. On the right is a picture of the model in question with a unique serial code that’s assigned to all models. Ranks, Affiliate and Hates (now called Rivals) have been changed to icons to make it easier and faster to decode character cards. On the right of the rank you’ll find the model’s Reputation and Funding costs for building your crew. Just below that you’ll find weapon stats.
Batman 2E Character Card
This is where the most significant change occurred. If the weapon in question features a bull’s eye icon, the model has a ranged weapon with Rate of Fire equal to the Value close to the Icon. You now mark your Ammo using bullet icons. The bullet icon represents Ammo, so Ammo is equal to the Value close to the Icon. Traits are shown below weapon stats, with enough spare space to write down equipment, new Traits added, and so on. Notice that some Traits will be included inside a box; these Traits are the most important and basic traits for newcomers to play with using the Quick Start Rules. We want to make it as easy and fun as possible to join us in this exciting universe! Finally, the remaining section shows the character’s Basic Skills. This is where you mark your Action Counters assigned to each Skills. You can use six-sided dice or any variety of counter, marker or token.
Batman 2E Character Card Bouffon

Traits Update

Due to the recent questions about movement change, we are glad to show two traits that have been changed related to this sequence of play. This traits are Fast and Tireless!
Fast: This model gains +2” to its basic movement distance. 

Tireless: Once per round, this model can spend 1SC as if it were 1MC.

Dirty Fighter: This model can use ranged weapons even if it is in contact with enemy models. If it uses a ranged weapon to target an enemy model in contact, it gains +1 to its Hit rolls.

Gunman (2SC): Until the end of the round, when this model makes a ranged attack, it can make 2 ranged attacks instead of 1. Each Attack consumes an Ammunition Magazine as usual. The two attacks can be performed with different weapons.

Batman 2E Character Card White-Face

Batman is our most beloved character and we have thought that Wayne Tech could invest a little bit more on the Dark Knight’s armory!

Bat-Armor Mk I: Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the attacker takes Damage rolls. On a result of 5+ the hit is ignored.

Bat-Armor Mk II: Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the attacker takes Damage rolls. On a result of 6+ the hit is ignored. In addition, this model gains +1” to its basic movement distance.

Bat-Armor Mk III: Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the attacker takes Damage rolls. On a result of 5+ the hit is ignored. In addition, if this model has moved during its activation can make close combat attacks against enemies up to 2” away in line of sight (ignore all traits that improve the model’s line of sight, such as Total Vision, for the purpose of these attacks).

Batman 2E Character Card Hobo Clown

There are the teasers for Batman 2E Miniatures Game. Knight Models is definitely making large strides to streamline the game and add more combat options for players to explore.

Are you liking these teasers so far? Any changes you hope to see made by Knight Models?

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