Latari Elves Runewars Starter Unveiled by FFG

Latari Elves

This Latari Expansion teaser gives us a look at the commander of the Latari: Aliana of Summersong. Let’s see what how this hero will fight!

Aliana of Summersong is a Leonx champion and very few command tools can equal the her mobility and it features no less than five white modifiers that can be paired with any action. Not only does this give you amazing control of her but also opens up more tactics. During battle, she rolls a white, blue, and red die which gives her a wide spread of damage and surges. Add to that the fact that she automatically adds a mortal strike to every melee attack and damage is guaranteed. She comes several upgrade cards including Packleader’s Spear which adds Lethal 3 to the roll results. However, to use the upgrade again, she must kill the unit she is engaged with.

Latari Elves Aliana

Latari Elves Army Expansion: $59.95

Latari spread

The Latari Elves Army Expansion ushers in a brand-new faction to the world of the Runewars Miniatures Game in the form of the Latari Elves. The expansion includes four new units, the Deepwood Archers, the Leonx Riders, the Aymhelin Scions and new hero Aliana of Summersong, enough to field an army of Latari Elves. The expansion also includes tokens, new mechanics and twelve upgrade cards for further customization.

Pre-orders for the Latari Eleves Army Expansion can be made but no official date has been given. Be sure to also check out our vid on how to jump into Runewars!

For more information on the Latari Elves and all things Runewars, visit Fantasy Flight Games!