Leonx Riders Join The Latari Elves In Runewars

Latari elves

The release of the Latari Elves draws closer, Fantasy Flight gives us a teaser on the units to be released: the Leonyx Riders.

Runewars Latari Elves

Fantasy Flight Games will be releasing the Leonx Riders later this year. This unit expansion will allow players to expand their Latari Elves army with the units found in the Latari Elves Army Expansion. It will also contain 12 upgrade cards and additional tokens.

No other unit symbolizes the primal, wild nature of the Verdelam more than the Leonx Riders. They are the cavalry unit for the Latari Elves and will be led into battle by Aliana of Summersong. They are agile and adaptable. None of their actions detract from their speed. When attacking, they can roll one red and two blue die for better odds of rolling two surges.

This can grant them an additional hit and kill of an enemy unit or wound an enemy hero. They can even use their two surges for a unique action, a mortal strike, and inflict a wound. One upgrade card, Raven Tabards, decreases the initiative of the command tool’s blue actions by one. Employing this upgrade can give Leonx Riders the freedom to race across the board earlier in the round and strike at distant enemies right away, or to outflank an enemy.

Leonx Riders Unit Expansion: $24.95

Leonx Riders

None exemplify the primal, wild nature of the Verdelam more than the Leonx Riders. Charging into battle atop the their ferocious Leonx, large felines native to the Aymhelin, these Elven warriors pierce through enemy lines with the force of a storm, only to use their lightning speed to evade counter-blows and change their angle of attack with the swiftness of a gale.

The Leonx Riders Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game comes with four Leonx Riders figures, two plastic cavalry movement trays and five upgrade cards to enhance your Latari Elves forces!

Pre-orders for the Latari Eleves Army Expansion, Deepwood Elves, Aymhelin Scions, and Leonx Riders can be made and will be released in the third quarter of 2017. Be sure to also check out our vid on how to jump into Runewars!

For more information on the Latari Elves and all things Runewars, visit Fantasy Flight Games!