Best LED Lights For Miniatures Yet?

By Juan Lopez | December 28th, 2017 | Categories: Hobby Products, Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

Looking to take your miniatures to the next level with smart LED lighting? Grimlight’s Kickstarter Campaign may be one of the best offerings yet.

In a nutshell, Grimlight are tiny magnet-controlled light circuits that present multiple options for your miniatures, tabletop scenery, models, and much more. Imagine having your Warhammer 40k figures armed with actual glowing plasma weapons and power swords.

Grimlight Main

X-Wing players, take your starfighter battles to the next level with engines glowing and weapon ports lit up and pulsing to simulate weapons fire. Dungeon Masters, give your scenarios and delves more atmosphere with torch lights and spectral horrors that glow with a sinister light.

Grimlight Star Wars

Grimlight will offer you hobbyists the following features:

  • Magnetic control – switch on and off without touching the miniature
  • Easy to hide – 0.2 mm wiring laid either inside or on the miniature
  • Switchable effects – fixed, pulsating or flickering chosen by magnet
  • Convenient – easy to use and install
  • Small circuit – 21*2.4 mm fits in regular 28 mm miniature bases
  • Small led’s – 0.6 mm LED fits in a drill hole (1.8mm wide incl. wirepads)

Grimlight Dungeon

  • Battery operated – using a CR1216 or CR1220 battery
  • Long stand-by time – over a year
  • Long active time – 15 to 50 hours depending on battery, FX, lights
  • Flexible – 2 led’s per circuit
  • Any colour – paint or cover the light thinly in any colour

At the time of writing, they have surpassed their $16,000 goal and have reached the first of their stretch goals. The campaign has 24 hours left to go if you are considering becoming a backer. The current stretch goal that has been attained will provide backer with a 4th effect to every Grimlight circuit. This new setting will have your lights emit steady bursts that are usable for flashes such as gunfire. Other stretch goals include guides and release the code as open source so that you can program your own effects.

Be sure to check out Grimlight’s Developer vod to get an idea of what is possible with these magnetically-controlled light circuits.

Remember, there is only 24 hours left for this Kickstarter if you are considering becoming a backer. Visit the Grimlight Kickstarter page for more information, photos, and more!