More Wicked Grymkin Coming Soon From Privateer Press

By Juan Lopez | July 10th, 2017 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products


The Grymkin are set to storm the tabletops and instill fear with the evils of folklore. Checkout whats coming soon for Hordes!

The Old Witch of Khador has summoned the Defiers and they have brought their minions straight out of the Iron Kingdom’s folklore. Privateer Press will be releasing the Grymkin thoughout July and August and the other HORDES armies will be bracing for their coming. Fifteen new units will be released but no word as to when they will be receiving a Command Book. Starter Bundles for the Grymkin will be released in July. These models come with high detail and are made of metal or resin, or a mixture of the two.

Piggybacks: $44.99

Piggybacks Grymkin

Squeal for us, it sounds so nice. ’Tis your reward for gluttony’s vice!

Living testaments to the dangers of overindulgence, piggybacks serve as a cautionary tale to all who would surrender to the pleasures of the flesh. The hogs chuff gleefully over the tormented moaning of their withered mounts—tortured souls who must forevermore bear their crushing burdens in battle for the Wicked Harvest of the grymkin.

Lord Longfellow: $11.99

Lord Longfellow Grymkin

The noble is a fool who would accept this spider’s duel.

To all the wastrel nobles in the Iron Kingdoms, Lord Longfellow is a terrifying specter. With stunning accuracy, this arachnoid gentleman guns down those audacious enough to hold themselves in higher regard than their fellows, serving as a not-so-gentle reminder of one’s place in the world.

Murder Crows: $37.99

Murder Crows Grymkin

Cruel beaks, unblinking eyes, slashing talons…all hope dies.

Hideously transformed for their transgressions against others, murder crows creep into the battles of the Wicked Harvest to reap a deadly toll. Appearing seemingly from nowhere, these unnatural assassins are adept at singling out and eliminating vital targets to aid the armies of the grymkin.

Trapperkin: $14.99

Trapperkin Grymkin

Keep your eyes sharp evermore for what lies ’neath that creaking door!

The vile fiends known as trapperkin dwell just out of sight below and behind the magical portals they can create at whim. Be wary, for these grymkin will suddenly throw open an unseen hatch to snatch up victims and drag them back to their hidden lairs. When a trapperkin is near, all must tread carefully—a wrong step could mean vanishing without a trace, stolen away by these deadly lurkers.

Gorehound: $17.99

Gorehound Grymkin

Slinking in the shadows upon feet like grasping hands, the horror called the gorehound ranges all across our lands.

The gorehound hunts far and wide at its masters’ bidding. Its long tongue tastes the air for the sweet taint of corruption as it stalks its prey. Once a stonehearted coward falls within its grasp, the gorehound leisurely sups on the victim’s fear and flesh—a just reward for callousness.

The Heretic: $17.99

The Heretic Grymkin

True and false are merely words to turn the masses into herds.

The last of the Defiers to spurn Menoth, the Heretic is a self-styled god who rebelled against his creator. Believing all are able to become divine, he fashioned himself into a paragon of his own distorted virtues. Now the Heretic wishes to dethrone the God of Man and free all of his creation from his laws.

Neigh Slayers: $44.99

Neigh Slayers Grymkin

Hobbyhorses, severed heads, wielding spears of utmost dread…

Armed with spears and riding grisly hobbyhorses, neigh slayers are gremlins with an outsized appetite for bloody mischief. These obnoxious grymkin scream across the battlefield upon their “steeds” while foes look on in bewilderment. Few understand the peril they face until it is too late, as the neigh slayers trample and impale any foe that crosses their path.

The Grymkin will be terrifying their enemies starting in July.

For more on the Grymkin and other HORDES armies, visit Privateer Press!

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