Mother of Dragons Kickstarter Funded

By Juan Lopez | December 20th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products

KS Mother of Dragons

Kabuki Studio has had their Mother of Dragons Kickstarter campaign funded and it is not too late to back this awesome project!

The Mother of Dragons concept was born a few years ago when the artists at Kabuki saw a beautiful illustration by Stephane Wootha Richard. An exciting collaboration was born and the result was the Mother of Dragons project which offers a range of resin kits and pre-painted collector items.

At the time of writing, Kabuki has already been able to raise almost $14,000, more than double their $6,000 goal, with 11 days left to go. The base pledge will give you a pdf of the artwork and the ability to become a late backer. The first pledge that includes a miniature will be the Baby Dragon pledge which gives you the 35mm Mother of Dragons at 1/50 scale.

Mother of dragons 35mm

Some of their larger pledges have some very impressive resin busts and large scale miniatures, such as the Fireborn level. This includes a 1/8  Mother of Dragons scale bust that features her and a baby dragon perched on her arm. The detail is amazing and you can have it painted by Kabuki Studio if you so desire.

Fireborn Mother of Dragons

They have already achieved multiple stretch goals, including painting guides depending on the level you pledged, signed prints by Stephane Wootha Richard, the Dragon Queen bust, dragon bones that can be added to your custom bases, and a wooden plinth that provides the perfect stand for your Mother of Dragons models or busts. There are some great goal that have not been reached, one of the them is a cute 75mm “Chibi” Mother of Dragons resin kit.

Chibi Mother of DragonsThere is a great deal more information and preview teasers on the Mother of Dragons Kickstarter page. Just to give you a sample of what quality and detail you are getting with Kabuki Studio, check out the Mother of Dragons preview teaser below!

For more information on the Mother of Dragons and their various lines of busts, miniatures, and more, visit Kabuki Studio!