New British Zulu War Infantry from Perry Miniatures!

By Juan Lopez | May 5th, 2017 | Categories: BITS, Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products

British Zulu InfantryPerry Miniatures is set to release a new box set for British Infantry Zulu War soon, come check them out!

This new box set for British Infantry will come with everything you need and can be used in three different Africa scenarios and can be easily adaptable for European scenarios.

British Zulu War Infantry: £20.00


British Zulu War

Available from the 22nd April. If you are going to Salute there is no need to Pre-Order as we will have enough there.

These are multi-part hard plastic 28mm figures which can be used for the Ninth Cape Frontier War, Zulu War and the First Anglo-Boer War. They are also supplied with Home Service helmets so can be used for any potential invasion from France, Germany or even Mars! There are 38 miniatures in the box including 4 casualties, two Heliographs, 4 pairs of standards, unit bases and uniform information.

British Zulu War

If you are a Zulu War enthusiast and want a versatile box set, be ready for this set to drop on soon!

For more information on this box set and other products, visit Perry Miniatures!

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