New Bushido Models & Tokens From GCT Studios!

By Juan Lopez | May 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products


GCT Studios has hit the ground running in May with miniatures releases and new tokens incoming. Let’s see what new stuff is coming to Bushido!

Source: GCT Studios

New miniatures and battle tokens for Bushido are incoming soon from GCT. Kyou and his serpent companion will aid allies and the serpent will continue to fight even if his master is debilitated. Yori, the whale hunter, will use a harpoon and other weapons in battle as he is quite resourceful. Also, the first batch of battle tokens have been received and tested. They look promising and will be released to players soon.

Kyou and his Companion


Whilst the female Shisai perform rituals and tend to Orochi’s shrines, the male initiates are the martial arm of the faithful. Instead of blessings of transformation and the ability to channel the Will of Orochi; he has been gifted a serpent companion. Even if Kyou finds himself debilitated his escort fights on unaffected. He also empowers other Shisai around him increasing their commitment to the cause. 

Yori, The Whale HunterYori

The legend of Yori is known across the Jung, spread mainly by the man himself. When deep in his cups he will tell any that will stop to listen to him, boasts from catching whales of unfathomable size to wild and fantastical sea creatures. The truth is Yori is no better with the harpoon than anyone else, however he has learnt to be resourceful in battle. He always has sake on hand and uses it to bolster his own and others’ confidence when combat ensues

Bushido Tokens

Bushido Tokens

If you are interested, head over to GCT’s Youtube for preview of the tokens.

For more information on the products and the world of Bushido, visit GCT Studios!

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