New Dropzone & Dropfleet Pre-Orders on TTCombat

By Juan Lopez | February 9th, 2018 | Categories: Dropzone Commander, Tabletop Gaming Products


TTCombat has several new releases dropping this month for Dropzone Commander. Come take a look and see for yourself what’s coming out!

Having acquired Dropzone and Dropfleet late last year, TTCombat has been working hard to get both games off the ground and into players’ hands. Their latest wave of releases for February is nearly here and they consist of new famous commanders.

dropzone-commander-battle-54161-1920x1080Each kit comes with one resin miniature that is unassembled and unpainted. Several unique Command Cards are also included. Rules for these new units can be found in Reconquest: Phase 2.  Below is a selection of the pre-orders.


Rakkon Krell Dropzone

“Rakkon Krell is an unusual figure among Resistance leaders as both a viciously savage feral warlord and an ally of the UCM. Krell was first encountered when

he expertly ambushed and captured an entire MF-R team without taking a single casualty. It was when interrogating his captives that Krell first learned of the UCM, a powerful force bent on liberating his home planet of Shangri-La from the hated Scourge. In return, the MF-R operatives learned that the forests of skulls on spikes surrounding Krell’s lair were exclusively Scourge hosts. It seemed that he valued free human lives deeply, although he had never been above the use of torture and harsh punishment for those that failed him.”

Rules for this unit can be found in Reconquest: Phase 2

1 resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with 4 unique Command Cards.


Aurelia Felix Dropzone

The UCM intelligence community first became aware of Aurelia Felix through her actions on Eden Prime in the opening days of the Reconquest. She commanded an admittedly exemplary rearguard action against encroaching Colonial troops around New Troy, and was able to personally barter a temporary ceasefire to preserve the tattered remains of her force. The UCM commander at the time (since court marshalled) felt that this was a deserved reprieve in view of her honourable actions and reasonable deportment in negotiation. Unlike other more bombastic PHR commanders, she is reported to be quiet, calm and balanced in both defeat and victory, keeping a level head at all times.”

Rules for this unit can be found in Reconquest: Phase 2

1 resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with 4 unique Command Cards and a clear flight stand.


Jungle Devil Dropzone

“This alien nightmare takes to the battlefield in an Oppressor-type walker of unique design. This variant has never been reported in any other theatre, leading analysts to conclude that it is an individual personality, granted some singular modifications to suit its leanings. In the case of this creature, it seems to enjoy no greater pleasure than destroying enemy aircraft in ambush attacks. The usually anti-tank oriented Oppressor has multiple modifications towards this role including esoteric AA weapons and an elaborate (and no

doubt complex) active camouflage coating to the vehicle’s entire carapace. This second modification makes the Jungle Devil a truly dangerous foe as it can be rendered almost entirely invisible to all EM spectra when stationary. The notion that such a large construct can be made virtually invisible has been dismissed as a myth by troops on the ground until they are faced with it, that is.”

Rules for this unit can be found in Reconquest: Phase 2

1 resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with 4 unique Command Cards.

These Dropzone Commander kits and more are available for pre-order. They will ship on February 9th. To see the full pre-order listing, click here!

For more on these kits, Dropfleet Commander kits, and more visit TTCombat!