New FOW Late War Gaming Aids

By Tim Roberts | July 1st, 2019 | Categories: Flames of War, Tabletop Gaming Products

flames or war tokens sherman

Don’t miss out on these new game aids for your next game of Flames of War as take a look at what’s new from Battlefront.

As Flames of War moves into a new chapter of WWII tabletop gaming the team at Battlefront have a ton of new accessories to make your games easier. Let’s take a look.

US906 American Dice Set: $13.00

FOW Late War Gaming Aids


US906 American Dice Set
Contains 20 themed dice

US907 American Tokens and Objectives: $16.50
FOW Late War Gaming Aids

US907 American Tokens and Objectives
Contains 20 themed tokens and 2 objectives

TK103 Late War Mission Token Set: $10.50

FOW Late War Gaming Aids

TK103 Late War Mission Token Set
Includes four sets of Ranged In / Firing Battery tokens, four Minefield tokens, and two Objective markers.
 These new tokes are a great investment whether you are a veteran or a novice to Flames of War. Make sure you visit battlefront and secure tokens for your faction today!