New Goblin Miniatures For Oathmark Incoming

By Juan Lopez | November 18th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products


From the creator of Frostgrave and Osprey Games comes  the Goblin Faction miniatures for Oathmark. Let’s take a look at this new faction!

Oathmark, created by Frostgrave’s Joseph McCullogh, is a mass-battle fantasy wargame that will have dwarves, goblins, elves, and men campaigning to expand their realms and controlling what they conquer. The part that is drawing potential players’ attention is the ‘field the army you have always wanted’ promise. Essentially, if you want men and goblins fighting alongside each other, you can. Elves and dwarves? Sure, why not.

Oathmark teaser

Up until now, the Dwarves were the only available faction. The Goblins will soon be available for pre-order and will come in similar starter sets and packs that we have seen for the Dwarves. Here are a few teaser pics of the Goblins from Oathmark’s Facebook page.

Oathmark goblins

These Goblins will be coming in plastic and will accompany pre-existing Goblin characters and elites that are in metal. There is no word yet whether the metal minis will have plastic alternatives made.

Oathmark goblins archers

The Goblin miniature sets and starter bundles will be available for pre-order soon. The complete selection of Dwarves for Oathmark can be found on North Star Military Figures’ site.

For more on Oathmark and other great games, visit Osprey Games!