New Grymkin Warlock From Privateer Press

By Juan Lopez | August 14th, 2017 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products

The King of Nothing Grymkin

Privateer Press has released a new warlock for the Grymkin and he is a bit lonely, so of course he wants to spread his loneliness amongst the wicked.

The King of Nothing is the latest warlock release for the Grymkin and is their third warloc; the other two being The Child and The Heretic. His fluff has him rejecting Menoth’s desire to see humanity band together, he desires to be left alone in his wasteland kingdom. Like any good king, he wants to expand his kingdom. This cast down Defier comes on a 30mm base and comes cast in metal and resin components.

The King of Nothing: $14.99

King of Nothing mini

A lonely king on a rotting throne, ruling a kingdom of ash and bone.

The King of Nothing wants nothing more than to be left alone. Rejecting Menoth’s desire to see humanity band together, the King of Nothing wishes to have no part in society. Having been cast down as a Defier, he rules over an empty, barren wasteland. And like any good king, he desires to see its borders expand.

The King of Nothing is available now on Privateer Press’ online store. To see the other Grymkin units and starter box, click here!

For more on the Grymkin and everything HORDES, visit Privateer Press!

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