New Hearthgut Hooch Hauler Now On Pre-Order

By Juan Lopez | January 9th, 2018 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products

Hooch Hauler Main'

The Northkin Trollbloods are getting a battle engine from Black Anchor Heavy Industries. Come check out the Hearthgut Hooch Hauler!

The Hearthgut Hooch Hauler from Black Anchor Heavy Industries is gem of large scale model that combines battle and alcohol, the two great pleasures of the Northkin Trollbloods. This battle engine is hauled around by two great bears that will trample enemies as the crews lobs lit, volatile kegs of alcohol into tightly packed ranks or sets them ablaze with burning spirits that are shot out of pressurized hoses. On the table, this hauler has two SP 10 attacks and an AOE 4 fire bomb, as well as models that will add to its destructive capability and the Oil special rule granted by High Proof on the Cask Bomb.

Hearthgut Hooch Hauler + Hooch Hugger Preorder: $164.99

Hearthgut Hooch Hauler

Preorder the Hearthgut Hooch Hauler by January 30, 2018, and receive a FREE Black Anchor Heavy Industries Hooch Hugger. Preorders ship by end of February 2018. Quantity limited to the first 1,000 preorders. The Hearthgut Hooch Hauler will be available as a normal item in the online store after February 1st.

Hooch Hauler

Black Anchor Heavy Industries Shipping:

All BAHI preorders ship for free in the U.S. Any additional items ordered with the preordered item will ship at the same time as the preordered item. All BAHI preorders ship for free internationally if they are ordered alone. Shipping charges for additional items ordered with the preorder are reduced by 50% (applied after customer selects a shipping option at checkout) and will ship with the preordered item.

Hooch haulers combine the two favorite pastimes of the Northkin: battle and dangerously strong alcohol. These armored wagons are loaded with sloshing kegs filled with the highest-proof booze a warband can distill. As the great bears hauling the wagon trample through the enemy’s ranks, the crew lights volatile kegs and flings them into concentrations of warriors or hoses down infantry with pressurized sprays of burning spirits. When the enemy army is defeated, the Northkin gather at their hooch haulers to drink deeply and share stories of their accomplishments during the battle.


The Hearthgut Hooch Hauler provides a strong suite of support abilities for any Northkin force. Veteran Leader will help all of your Northkin land their attacks, Stumbling Drunk will keep your warriors on their feet and in fighting order, and the Oil special rule granted by High Proof on the Cask Bomb will set up all of your fire-based attacks for a very powerful turn. With two SP 10 attacks and an AOE 4 fire bomb, this battle engine brings a lot of pain to the enemies of the North! The Hooch Hauler works very well with Northkin Raiders, Northkin Fire Eaters, and the warlocks Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood and Borka, Vengeance of the Rimeshaws.

The Hearthgut Hooch Hauler is limited to the first 1,000 pre-orders and will ship by the end of February 2018.

For more on this large scale model, the Trollbloods, HORDES, and more, visit Privateer Press!