New Reinforcements for the Skorne Incoming from Privateer

By Juan Lopez | May 11th, 2017 | Categories: Hordes, Privateer Press, Tabletop Gaming Products


The Skorne Empire is receiving three new units that will aid their march for conquest. Come check out these minis that will help you dominate your opponent!

Set to release on May 10th, the Skorne will be receiving named elite Lord Tyrant Zaadesh (30mm), elite Chiron the heavy warbeast (50mm), and the Venator Dakar group leader (30mm). All minis are highly detailed and metal.

Lord Tyrant Zaadesh: $18.99

Lord Tyrant Zaadesh

Zaadesh rose from a wounded soldier who few thought would return to the field of battle to an influential lord tyrant. In battle, Zaadesh empowers his army to strike with brutal precision and to punish those enemies within reach before they get the chance to strike. He takes every opportunity in these endeavors so that he may one day face Archdomina Makeda, remove her from her seat, and finally see his own ends come to fruition.

Chiron, Basilisk Heavy Drake Warbeast: $39.99

Chiron Drake

Chiron is one of the greatest basilisks ever broken to the skorne lash, and his subjugation attests to Beast Master Xekaar’s perfection of the art of physical conditioning through pain. The beast’s physical might is matched only by the power of his destructive gaze. Entire ranks of foes wither to dust as Chiron sweeps his cold eyes across them, and enemy warbeasts tear apart their own flesh in agony at his barest glance.

Venator Dakar: $17.99

Venator Dakar

With exaltation a remote hope at best, the ruthless warriors of the Venator caste take to the field for survival and victory instead. Relentless and cunning, Venator dakars are stern leaders with exacting standards. Under the watchful eye of a dakar, other Venators march quickly and take precise aim, proving they are every bit as skilled in dealing death as the more respected warriors of the skorne.

Street date for these new units is May 10th!

For more information on the Skorne and all things HORDES, visit Privateer Press!

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