New Retribution Models On the Horizon from Privateer


Two more units will be joining the ranks of Retribution and fighting for Scyrah. Let’s see what is coming from Privateer Press!

Privateer Press just keeps rolling with releases for Retribution with the upcoming releases this month and now with the releases of Arcanists and Priest units in June. The House Shyeel Arcanists and the Priest of Nyssor will be the new additions to the the Retribution ranks.

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House Shyeel is best known for its feats of ingenuity in the engineering and production of myrmidons. Unlike other arcane mechanics in the service of the Retribution, Shyeel arcanists are equipped to wade into battle to return impaired myrmidons to the fight. These arcanists train to master both the arcane arts and the practical skills necessary to repair the damaged mechanisms of a myrmidon under fire, manipulating kinetic force for both offense and defense.
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Through years of spiritual introspection and study, the dedicated priests of Nyssor learn to bend the elements of winter to their will. Reassured that their god Nyssor is safe and well defended, the priests have hastened to Ios to stand against those who would threaten the frozen god. No strangers to combat, these priests now take to the fight, drawing upon their mastery over winter so that they may aid their allies in the Retribution.
These minis will be released June 14th and June 28th.
For more on the Retribution of Scyrah and all things WARMACHINE, visit Privateer Press!