New Terrain Kickstarter By StudioLevel Ends Soon

By Juan Lopez | November 17th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Tabletop Gaming Products, Terrain

Bantam Alley Terrain

StudioLevel has a terrain Kickstarter that is ending soon which promises that they have what novice and advanced hobbyists need!

The Kickstarter is for a terrain and bits line called The Bantam Alley and, at the time of writing, is $6k short of its $19k goal.. It is a post-apocalyptic city 28-32mm scale terrain, modular battlefield system, scenery, and bits package all rolled into a single product line. Oh, and there are miniature bases as well. The terrain, scenery, and bits are all resin cast and do boast a remarkable level of detail. Being post-apocalyptic, you can expect wreckage, destroyed walls, ruins, and more.

StudioLevel’s Kickstarter page

Their bits range from furniture and trash to industrial piping and tech plate hatches. The miniature bases are urban themed and cover 25mm to 120mm miniatures.

Bantam Alley

The modular battlefield system comes in three sizes: 6’x4′, 4’x4′, and 2’x2′. It is a modular gameboard that comes pre-painted and has real textured details. They are 100% handmade and are ready to game on out of the packaging. Now, there are so many bundles, add-ons, deals, and more on StudioLevel’s Kickstarter page. Head on over if you are curious about The Bantam Alley and want to know more.

Bantam Battlefield

Check out this teaser trailer by StudioLevel of the production process for The Bantam Alley. Their Kickstarter ends in a week and they still need to hit their $19,000 goal.

For more information on The Bantam Alley Kickstarter, visit StudioLevel!