Shady New Retribution Unit Arrives From Privateer


A new Retribution of Scyrah unit has been released and they are ready to fight for their frozen god. Let the Ryssovass fight for you!

The Ryssovass of Nyss were once proud defenders that lost their sense of purpose after so many of their people were lost to corruption by Everblight. Those that remain have joined the Retribution to fight to regain purpose and fulfill a sacred duty. The Ryssovass Defenders come on 30mm bases and the kit contains 10 miniatures.

Ryssovass Defenders: $54.99

Ryssovass Defenders

The Nyss ryssovass were once proud defenders of the winding mountain passes of the Shard Spires. Having lost their sense of purpose after so many of their order were corrupted by Everblight, the remaining ryssovass relocated to Ios alongside their fellow refugees, where their frozen god is protected. They do not hesitate to join the Retribution of Scyrah in battle, seeing this as part of their sacred responsibility.

The Ryssovass Defenders kit is available now and appears to be the last Retribution release before the Grymkin arrive later in July.

For more on the Ryssovass and all things WARMACHINE, visit Privateer Press!