Reviewing Chaos’ Daemons & Marine Rules in 8th!

With 8th Edition 40k getting ever closer, we take our first look at the more Chaotic of five indexes being released on June 17th: Chaos Daemons and Marines.

The Index: Chaos book is 128 pages worth of information, rules, and datasheets for the Heretic Astartes, Chaos Daemons, and Questor Traitoris. Now that we have our hands on this Index, we dove right in. A more thorough Tips and Tactics breakdown for all the indexes and factions will be coming in the near future. So, get ready to pledge your allegiance to Chaos! Here is a sample of our full review.

Now, the five indexes are merely transitional as they are intended to hold us over unit Codexes are released. GW has left things spread out a bit so that they can be changed easily if necessary. A new ability for the Heretic Astares is “Death to the False Emperor” which allows you to make an extra attack roll against an Imperium target if the hit rolled is 6+ during the Fight Phase. One caveat for this ability however is that some Heretic units will not be able to use this ability.

Chaos Index Heretic Astartes List

The Chaos Daemons section has a lot of content, including deity specific rules and a general Demonic ability. At the end of the Movement Phase, any Chaos Character can summon Daemon Unit with a Demonic Ritual. No mention of the summoner having to be a Daemon as well.

What is interesting is if the ritual fails. If the failing roll has double, then the summoning character suffers a mortal wound. If triples are rolled, then D3 mortal wounds are suffered. There do not appear to be any restrictions as to how you set up your demons and can leave some in reserve and summon them in when you want. As long as the army is a Chaos detachment.

Chaos Index Daemons List

Overall it was a little sad to see some of the Chaos gods not get powers, while all of the cult Daemon powers did. But hopefully this is just the beginning of the new rules, and we will once again see a dedicated Chaos cult or legion book along with a separate Chaos Daemon book in the future.

Index: Chaos$25


One of five books covering the range of Citadel miniatures used to play games of Warhammer 40,000, Index: Chaos is an essential purchase for those wanting to play games of Warhammer 40,000, packed with updated rules and complete points values for Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons and Renegade Knights armies.

It includes 113 datasheets spread across those armies, with an overview of each. Updated abilities, psychic powers, wargear, weapon profiles and points values allow you to field your collection in games of Warhammer 40,000. There’s also a blank army roster and detachment roster, which you are free to photocopy and use when building a Battle-forged army in Matched Play games.

Covered in the 128-page softback book:

Heretic Astartes
– An overview of the Chaos Space Marines, featuring the organisation of a typical Chaos warband;
– A Heretic Astartes army list, with explanations of the Legion and Mark of Chaos keywords, the Dark Hereticus psychic discipline, Abilities and Chaos Icons;
– 47 datasheets for Chaos Space Marines miniatures.

World Eaters
– An overview of the World Eaters;
– A World Eaters army list, including the Servants of Khorne and Berserker Horde Abilities;
– 2 datasheets for World Eaters miniatures.

Thousand Sons
– An overview of the Thousand Sons;
– A Thousand Sons army list, with Servants of Tzeentch and Legacy of the Rubricae Abilities;
– 6 datasheets for Thousand Sons miniatures.

Death Guard
– An overview of the Death Guard;
– A Death Guard army list, including the Contagion psychic discipline, and the Servants of Nurgle and Lords of the Plague Host Abilities;
– 7 datasheets for Death Guard.

Emperor’s Children
– An overview of the Emperor’s Children;
– An Emperor’s Children army list, including Servants of Slaanesh and Masters of Kakophoni Abilities and 2 datasheets for Emperor’s Children.

Chaos Daemons
– An overview of the Chaos Daemons, including the hierarchy of the various types of Daemon;
– Chaos Daemons army list including Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch psychic disciplines, Daemonic, Unstoppable Ferocity, Ephemeral Form, Disgustingly Resilient and Quicksilver Swiftness Abilities, and rules for summoning Daemons.

Daemons of Khorne
– An overview of the Daemons of Khorne;
– 13 datasheets for Daemons of Khorne miniatures.

Daemons of Tzeentch
– An overview of the Daemons of Tzeentch;
– 12 datasheets for Daemons of Tzeentch miniatures.

Daemons of Nurgle
– An overview of the Daemons of Nurgle;
– 7 datasheets for Daemons of Nurgle miniatures.

Daemons of Slaanesh
– An overview of the Daemons of Slaanesh;
– 12 datasheets for Daemons of Slaanesh miniatures.

Chaos Daemons
– An overview of the Chaos Daemons;
– 4 datasheets for Chaos Daemons miniatures.

Questor Traitoris
– An overview of the Renegade Knights;
– A datasheet for using your Renegade Knight miniature.

Chaos Bastions
– An overview of the Chaos Bastions;
– 1 datasheet for using your Chaos Bastion.

Be sure to check out our First Look vid on Index: Chaos and be sure to check back for more vids on the other four Indexes

Be sure to check back with us daily for more 8th Edition news and reviews. For more on the Index: Chaos and all things Warhammer 40,000 head on over to Games Workshop!

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