Runewars’ Daqan Has Heavy Firepower Incoming!


Armed with heavy crossbows and shields, the Heavy Crossbowmen Unit Expansion will introduce these strong defenders to Terrinoth. The expansion comes with 8 heavy crossbowmen on 2 infantry movement trays. Their unit ability grants them two unique surges to grant a mortal strike if enemy is at range 1-3. Their shields include the “protected” keyword which removes one damage from the damage pool. They also come a several movement abilities and five upgrade cards.

Heavy Crossbowmen Unit Expansion: $24.95

Daqan Crossbows

Paragons of disciplined training and wielders of some of the most sophisticated military weaponry available, the heavy crossbowmen of the Daqan Baronies represent one of the greatest defensive forces in Terrinoth. Armed with specially designed bulwark shields and heavy crossbows, these warriors can withstand even the fiercest hail of enemy fire while unleashing their own torrent of death.

The Heavy Crossbowmen Unit Expansion for Runewars Miniatures Game comes with eight Heavy Crossbowmen plastic figures and two plastic infantry movement trays, allowing players to add a two-tray unit to their Daqan Lords forces in battles for Terrinoth. Additional tokens and five upgrade cards allow you to expand your Runewars Miniatures Game collection while customizing your armies!

The Heavy Crossbowmen Unit Expansion is set to release in the third quarter of 2017. Be sure to also check out our vid on how to jump into Runewars!

For more information on the Daqan Lords and all things Runewars, visit Fantasy Flight Games!