Yahooooooo Solo and the rest of the Rogues have arrived for Star Wars Armada. It’s time to blow this thing wide open like a Death Star!
So the basics, the new squadron expansion set is in the same vein as the earlier Imperial and Rebel squadron upgrade packs. You get a small expansion with a set of 8 squadrons and associated cards. But here representing single small ships like the Millenium Falcon, or Slave 1 rather than a group of fighters.
These ships are split between Imperial and Rebel factions and fill a very interesting middle ground between the standard fighter squadrons and capital ships.
The key to their independence is the Rogue Ability:
ROGUE: You can move and attack during the Squadron Phase
This allows these small ships to act independently of the larger capital ships and gives you some interesting options with your fleet tactics.
Now let’s take a look at some of the cards that come with the set to get an idea what kind of cool abilities these heroes and villians bring to the Armada battlefield:
Some Rogues
Jan provides a nice way to buff your key squadrons and blow past pesky fighter screens.
Solo is DA MAN with 2 full moves and attacks per turn, plus he can’t be locked down by a single enemy fighter!
And Villains:

IG-88 – What a robot jerk! He ignores your special rules, has some of his own and is lightning quick!
Like Jan Ors, Dengar is a force multiplier for your squadrons. I shudder at what he and Soonter Fel could do!
Bossk can take a punch and keep on coming! When he’s injured he has the scariest firepower out there of any squadron!
Boba Fett, He picks his man and down they go! He’s also perfectly capable of taking down small or seriously injured capital ships with his firepower and special rules.
There’s also a 6 hull pointed heavy bomber in here for the rebels too, that we may be seeing soon the X-Wing miniatures side of things soon I’d imagine!
Rogues and Villains Expansion Pack $19.95
Han Solo, Boba Fett, and a handful of the galaxy’s most notorious rogues and villains race to the battlefield in the Rogues and Villains Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada!
You’ll find eight irregular squadrons, including some of the Star Wars galaxy’s most recognizable freighters, patrol craft, and bombers, each of which can be represented in your games by either a non-unique squadron card or flown by an ace. Like the squadrons from the Core Set and the first wave of expansions, these come unpainted, but are presented in colors that complement their fleets.
~ I’m picking this up the first day I can get my hands on it!