What happens when Orks and Star Wars come together? You get some pretty amazing miniatures that bring the dakka and flash!
Miniature Scenery is a great company that has made some great miniatures and terrain. Their latest releases will have Ork enthusiasts wanting to grab these two new miniatures. The Orxwing, a cobbled together X-wing, brings the dakka with close combat jaws, bombs, machine guns, and rockets. Give it a red paint scheme and you’ll be flying faster than Han Solo in the Kessel Run. The other miniatures is a looted version of BB-8 named OR-K8 who will BEEP WAAAGH BOOP his way through everything with a toothy, metal grin and and a heavy blaster.
Kustomise with optional Bomb, Close combat jaw, Posable flight stand and choice of Machine guns or Rockets.
OR-K8: $11
Beep Waargh Boop