Star Wars Inspired Orc Minis From Miniature Scenery

Orxwing lead

What happens when Orks and Star Wars come together? You get some pretty amazing miniatures that bring the dakka and flash!

Miniature Scenery is a great company that has made some great miniatures and terrain. Their latest releases will have Ork enthusiasts wanting to grab these two new miniatures. The Orxwing, a cobbled together X-wing, brings the dakka with close combat jaws, bombs, machine guns, and rockets. Give it a red paint scheme and you’ll be flying faster than Han Solo in the Kessel Run. The other miniatures is a looted version of BB-8 named OR-K8 who will BEEP WAAAGH BOOP his way through everything with a toothy, metal grin and and a heavy blaster.


Orxwing mini

Kustomise with optional Bomb, Close combat jaw, Posable flight stand and choice of Machine guns or Rockets.

OR-K8: $11


Beep Waargh Boop
The Orxwing and OR-K8 are available now. To see other Ork vehicles from Miniature Scenery, including one that is inspired by a Klingon Bird of Prey, click here!
For more on these miniatures and other great terrain, minis, and more, visit Miniature Scenery!