Upgrade Your LED Game With GSW Conductive Paint


If you love adding LEDs to your hobby project but hate all the wiring then this new paint from GSW is about to change the game!

Everyone loves to add glowing lights to their Knights Riptides and other large projects, but some of the smaller minis might take a little more finesse. Well, Green Stuff World has a new paint that will make smaller projects so much easier. Let’s take a look.

Conductive Paint: $8.14

Conductive Paint


Conductive Paint



Conductive Paint

Highly conductive water-based paint with silver specially formulated for model and diorama building, or in electronics such as LED connections, circuit paths, repairing circuit boards and others. Can be used on a variety of surfaces including plastic, resins, metal, paper, and wood.

Paint must be applied in homogenous layers, without needing to be too thick. Once the paint has fully dried, it will act as a conductor of electricity up to at least 30-40cm without losing any conductivity. We recommend using 3V to 9V batteries.

Content: 1x 15ml bottle

* Not valid for airbrush.

LED Lightsaber

If you want a better look at how to best utilize the awesome properties of Conductive paint check out this LED lightsaber tutorial from Fantasy Flight Games.

light up lightsabers LED FFG legion star wars silver conductive paint

This hobby product is a must-have for all ou hobby electricians out there. Make sure you visit Green Stuff World and secure your Conductive Paint today!

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