A New Titan Walks: 6mm Scale Warbringer Maximus

By Juan Lopez | June 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products, Titan


Nuclear Shrimp Games has released a scaled down version of the Maximus Warbringer, and it rocks! Come see this 6mm dynamo up close.

This miniature comes in at 5″ tall and comes made in high quality resin and is 3D printed. The model has been ported from their resin and foam 28mm scale model which stands at 24″ tall. The detail on the Warbringer is excellent and more is being worked on in terms of extra bits for this miniature. An upgrade kit is in the works that will include new weapon options, decorations, and different head options.

Warbringer Maximus 6mm scale: €55 (VAT included)


Multi part resin kit. Requires assembly. Includes 3 arm weapon options (Mega Gatling, Plasma Destroyer, Rail Cannon). Base not included.

This multi part kit contains 27 pieces that allow you to assemble one full 6mm scale Warbringer Maximus. The model is 125mm tall when fully assembled and includes 3 arm weapon options.


This miniature is available now and would look great with some bits and upgrades from POP Goes the Monkey. Just saying….

For more on the Maximus Warbringer and other awesome models and minis, visit Nuclear Shrimp Games!

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