Warlord Games Releases New Ghar Runners

By Juan Lopez | November 9th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, Warlord Games

Warlord Games has released two new Ghar units for the Ghar Empire as they seek to conquer their enemies in Beyond the Gates of Antares!

The Ghar have been bred for war and they fight using crude yet immensely powerful armored battlesuits. The latest release for the Ghar is no exception. Two new runner units have been added: the Scutter and the Wrecker. The Scutter feeds ammo to larger Heavy Bombardment units but can take care of itself. The Wrecker salvages useful pieces of technology and scrap and comes with a grabber claw to defend itself if necessary.

Ghar wrecker: $20


The Wrecker is a small crawler machine designed to recover valuable wreckage from the battlefield. Busy wreckers can be found scurrying about the battlefield salvaging useful pieces of armour, weapons and vehicles and separating them from the sorry remains of their (far less useful) crews.

Although the Wrecker is unarmed it carries a powerful magnetic mandible‐style Wreck grabber which it uses to lift and manoeuvre damaged and disabled vehicles. Wreckers usually avoid close combat – or at least their drivers certainly attempt to! However, when cornered a grabber is easily capable of delivering a nasty nip.

Scale: 28mm – 1 Cavalry – Metal & Resin – Made to Order

Ghar scutter: $20


Scutters are one‐man crawlers designed to carry Disruptor Bomb ammunition for Ghar Heavy Bombardment units. Because these bombs are quite large, Bombardment units can carry only a limited amount of ammunition.

Hence, they are accompanied by Scutters, which busily feed ammunition into the launcher enabling them to maintain a pace of fire. Scutters are relatively lightly armoured compared to battle armoured troopers, but they are armed with scourer cannon and can certainly look after themselves.

The Ghar Wrecker and the Ghar Scutter are available now online or at your FLGS.

For more on these Ghar units and the Gates of Antares, visit Warlord Games!