Who Knows Klingon? Klingon Core Rulebook Hits Pre-Order!

klingon rulebook modphiusPrepare for the adventure of a lifetime with the Star Trek Klingon Core Rulebook that just hit pre-order! Don’t be the one to miss out on it!

Play through some of your favorite Star Trek adventures with this new set of rules! You get to experience the Star Trek Universe as a Klingon warrior fighting for the good of their people. Go to the edges of society to help colonies under siege, conquer new territories, and journey into the eye of the interstellar phenomenon.

The hobby maniacs at Modiphius bring us this new awesome set of game rules. Let’s dive into the new book.

Star Trek Adventures: Klingon Core Rulebook: £44.99

Klingon Core RulebookThe artwork throughout the book is just insane! If you love Star Trek then you have to pick this book up. It’s not very often you get to play as the Klingons.

Klingon Core RulebookA little sneak-peek into the ruleset. WE DO NOT FIGHT MERELY TO SPILL BLOOD, BUT TO ENRICH THE SPIRIT. – EMPEROR KAHLESS I

Klingon Spaceshipjust another look at some of the awesome artwork included in the book. If you love Modiphius, go check out what else they have to offer.

Pre-Order Details:

Rules preview

This is a pre-order with a twist. You’ll get early access to rules whenever you purchase. This is a pre-order expected to ship in October. You will receive a FREE PDF preview of the title immediately upon completion of the order! Please note, this is a PDF preview of the full title. And will be updated with further details before its final release alongside the print book. You will automatically receive updates via email as they are added.

Klingon Fight!

Here’s everything you get in the book:

This 390-page full-color hardback Star Trek Adventures core rulebook contains:

  • Guidance on how to create your own Klingon-focused Star Trek stories of honor and glory on the final frontier.
  • A complete and updated version of the Star Trek Adventures 2d20 game system.
  • An extensive study of the Klingon Empire, including its history, culture, worlds, society, warships, technology, and more.
  • Guidelines for novice and experienced gamemasters on how to run Star Trek-themed adventures and campaigns of conquest. And exploration for the daring crew of a Klingon warship.
  • A large selection of Klingon NPCs from all eras of play. As well as many antagonists, including Federation, Cardassian, Romulan, Borg, and Dominion characters and vessels.
  • An introductory adventure designed to quickly get you and your fellow players playing brave Klingon warriors.
  • Historical excerpts, personal logs, and intercepted communications providing a new perspective on Star Trek lore and events.
  • Brought to you by an expert Star Trek development team, including award-winning Star Trek novelists, editors, and game designers.

Get a copy today! It just doesn’t make sense to wait till it’s out!

Star Trek Adventures: Klingon Core Rulebook