Wild West Exodus Debuts New OCT Pre-Orders

By Juan Lopez | October 10th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products

Wild West Exodus

Wild West Exodus’ October pre-orders are now available. Some new models and repackaged old favorites make up this month’s pre-orders!

Wild West Exodus is a Steampunk Fantasy Miniatures Game set in an alternate history of the Wild West. It is a dynamic, fast-paced semi-skirmish game pitting a cast of brutal characters against each other in a world very much like our own, but twisted by the forces of deepest evil. An advanced D10 system is coupled with an innovative Influence mechanic to simulate the powers of the Dark Council upon their unwitting pawns. Wild West Exodus is a 35mm steampunk miniatures game set in the Wild West of America and is an action packed game of gunslingers, lawmen, outlaws, mad scientists, aliens and more! Having just released their 2nd Edition rules and format this past September, this month brings a new model, Juiced Hex, and many repackaged favorites. Below is a sample of this month’s pre-orders.


Juiced Hex

The taint of the Hex is a powerful force indeed. Always lurking in the back of a person’s mind, as the darkness within a man’s soul grows it exaggerates and amplifies its hosts’ negative emotions.  Should the life of such a man be snuffed out by the stab of a blade or piercing of a bullet, that darkness might rise up beyond the confines of the dying soul? Flesh will shift and mutate, the body reanimating into a foul perversion of life, their organs and bones liquifying into volatile Hex essence. These dreadful creatures are known as Hex Beasts and fly into a rage during their fleetingly short new lives, ripping off the limbs of anyone foolish enough to get too close.

This contains

  • 1x Juiced Hex Beast Miniature
  • 1x Base

Please note: Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.


Abomination Widowers

“More legs are better than two” is the mantra of Gustave Eiffel and its most commonly shown to be true if you are unfortunate enough to have seen a Widower in the flesh. With their spider-like mechanical legs there are few places they cannot climb and from these unexpected vantage points the Widowers make great use of their deadly Reaper Rifles.

Abomination Widowers 2

This contains

  • 5x Abomination Widower Miniatures
  • 5x Bases

Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.


Union Skirmishers and Rifles

Discipline and training are the hallmarks of the enlisted men and women of the Union. With their high-quality weapons and equipment, they are reputedly a match for any force in the world. Union Skirmishers are armed with pistol and blade for close work and the Union Riflemen make use of the stalwart Chace Rifle to deal with ranged foes with disciplined fire.

Union Skirmishers and Rifles 2

This contains

  • 5x Union Skirmisher Miniatures
  • 5x Union Riflemen Miniatures
  • 10x Bases

Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

These and other Wild West Exodus kits make up October’s list of pre-orders. To see the complete October listing, click here!

For more information on these pre-orders and the game of Wild West Exodus, visit visit Wild West Exodus!