Wyrd’s Monday Preview: The Executioner

By Juan Lopez | December 5th, 2017 | Categories: Malifaux, Tabletop Gaming Products, Wyrd

Wryd Preview Executioner

Wyrd Games has another Monday preview for Above the Law and this one will be filled to the brim with murderous potential!

This Monday, Wyrd Games gave us a preview of the Executioner, a new Advanced Pursuit found in Above the Law. Above the Law is the upcoming Through the Breach Guild supplement. Executioners were once bodyguards and enforcers for the Guild’s circuit judges. They are now part of the Guild Guard and have become tools of intimidation and carnage. A character must demonstrate complete loyalty to the Guild and pass their tests. Once down, they are taken to the Amalgamation Office to have one or both hands replaced with their signature weapon, the Executioner’s Claws. She has the Love the Job Talent which allows her to  to heal every time she deals a Severe Critical Effect to an opponent. That heal can be quite substantial if the Critical Effect kills the target. Her Bloody Exhibition Trigger takes two Rams to trigger, but if her target is suffering from one or more Critical Effects, she gains a +Ram to her attack flip.

The Executioner

Wyrd_MondayPreview_12.4.2017 Executioner

The Executioner is an advanced pursuit for the upcoming Through the Breach expansion, Above the Law. As the name suggests, Executioners eschew subtlety for raw, visceral murdering potential.

Originally, Executioners were bodyguards and enforcers that traveled alongside the Guild’s circuit judges as they made the rounds between the northern Contract Towns, settling disputes and bringing the Guild’s law to the frontier. When the M&SU came into power, the willingness of Northerners to submit to Guild justice dwindled, and eventually, the circuit judges simply stopped leaving the city. The Executioners were folded into the ranks of the Guild Guard, where they have become powerful tools of intimidation and carnage.

To become an Executioner, a character has to demonstrate complete and unwavering loyalty to the Guild. If they pass the Guild’s tests and agree to accept the invitation, the character is then marched off to the Amalgamation Office to have one or more of their hands replaced with deadly Executioner Claws.

As a new Executioner continues to serve the Guild, she gradually becomes more and more certain of her purpose. This grants her the powerful Love the Job Talent, which allows her to heal every time she deals a Severe Critical Effect to an opponent… and to heal quite a bit more if that Critical Effect kills her target.

By far the most amazing ability possessed by experienced Executioners, however, is the Bloody Exhibition Trigger. It takes two Rams to trigger, but if her target is suffering from one or more Critical Effects, she gains a +Ram to her attack flip, making it much easier for her to quickly bring down a wounded opponent.

Boss fights of the world beware, the Executioner is here!

Be sure to head on over to the Wyrd Forums to discuss this new pursuit!

For more on this pursuit, Through the Breach, Malifaux, and more, visit Wyrd Games!