Bonereapers Endless Spells & More Mawpot Rules Revealed

By Wesley Floyd | October 26th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes, Ossiarch Bonereapers

ossiarch bonereapersMore rules previews are here for Endless spells and terrain are coming to the Bonereapers along with more for the Ogor’s Mawpot. Check out the latest.

Warhammer Community is pumping out the rules previews for the two next factions. Check out the scenery and endless spells for the Bonereapers and a more in-depth look at the new Mawpot for Ogors.

Bone-Tithe Nexus Terrain Piece

We first saw the rules for the Bone-Tithe Nexus in Spanish from some early look at the Battletome. However, we’ve finally got an official preview of the rules today:

bone tithe nexus punishment of agnoy

bone tithe nexus punishment of ignoranceThe full rules on the terrain piece haven’t been officially revealed. However, aside from partly-changed titles for the rules, the Spanish translated version we saw earlier looks to be correct.

  • Punishment of Lethargy (Castigo de Letargo): Choose a unit wholly within 18″ and fully visible. Roll a die, on a 4+ that unit cannot run until your next hero phase, in addition, they may only roll 1D6 to charge instead of 2D6 until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Death (Castigo de Muerte): Deal 1 mortal wound on a 2+ to an enemy unit within 36″.
  • Punishment of Ignorance (Castigo de Ignorancia): Choose an enemy Wizard within 36″ and on a 2+ subtract 1 to casting rolls, shooting, and unbinding until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Pain (Castigo de Dolor): Choose an enemy unit wholly within 18 and on a 4+, they must subtract 1 to their hit rolls until your next hero phase.

Bonereapers Endless Spells Aren’t Predatory

ossiarch bonereapers soul linked

Bringing a new aspect of spellcasting into the game, Ossiarch Bonereapers endless spells are soul-linked. These always move first and are only moved by the player who controls the caster. However, any time you try to use a Wizard that’s soul-linked, they are at a -1 penalty. This makes sense because they’re devoting a part of themselves to keep control of the spell.

Bone-Tithe Shrieker

bone-tithe shrieker


bonereapers endless spell no escapeThe Shrieker is something you want to keep next to all the action. Bonereapers can add 1 to hit rolls if an enemy unit is within 12″ of this model.

Soulstealer Carrion

bonereapers endless spell soulstealer carrion


bonereaper endless spell second sightAs far as we can tell, only the caster will have better LOS. This might be a one-two punch combo of spells. Gain LOS with this, then cast a targeting spell that’s right for the situation.

Nightmare Predator

bonereapers endless spell nightmare predator


bonereapers endless spell death incarnateFor this spell, it can dish out an absurd amount of mortal wounds. However, we don’t know it’s movement characteristic. Plus, with the way it’s worded, it looks like you pick a “prey” and it does bonus damage against them. Either way, this might be the Aethervoid pendulum V2!

More on the Ogor Mawpot


mawtribe mawpot battlebrothYou can use the rations in the Mawpot to bolster your units with D3 wounds to each unit within a whopping 36″ aura. Once you eat all of the battlebroth, the pot is empty. We’re not sure if this can be refilled (maybe after you kill enough enemy units) or not. However, it’s definitely an explosive rule. We saw all of this earlier in a preview. However, they gave us another heads up… Keep a Butcher closeby for bonus casting.

ogor mawpot bonus castAs long as you’ve got a Wizard (Butcher) next to a Mawpot, you can get +1 to cast and unbind. Remember, we’ve just seen earlier previews of a Mawtribe turning Butchers into potent Wizards getting 2 spells instead of 1.

With all of this being revealed, which faction are you leaning more toward? Will Ogors be getting endless spells as well? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!