How To Buy an Airbrush & Compressor on a Budget!

By Shaun Moran | February 14th, 2017 | Categories: Hobby Hacks, Hobby Products, How To Tutorial, OPN, Videos

airbrush schematic

Hey there Hobby Fans, today our friend OrcNerdPainter is going to explain the process of how he got his cheap Airbrushing rig!

Airbrushing is all the craze right now!  Painters online are churning out amazing models at record speeds using their airbrushes.  So how do I get my own you ask?  Well, today OrcNerdPainter is going to take us through how he got his rig for an amazing price!

First up lets look at the compressor he got.  This is the FoxHunter AS186 compressor with Tank.  This is a great compressor for the price, and comes with a small tank to help prevent air flow pulsing.

AS186 Compressor

Part of the package deal OrcNerdPainter found was the BD-130 airbrush, this is a simple Dual-action Gravity feed brush with solid Amazon reviews.

BD 130 Airbrush

Next up we have the sister brush the BD-128, this is a Siphon feed brush, for when you need to get the airbrush into those weird angles where a gravity feed brush might not work or the paint would slosh out.  This is another solid brush with good Amazon reviews.

BD 128 Airbrush

And finally, one of the most important parts of airbrushing, the flow improver!  OrcNerdPainter chose to go with the ever dependable Vallejo brand.  This stuff is amazing for improving the quality of your paint through your brush!

Vallejo Flow Improver

If you’re UK based, you can get the whole package from Amazon right here!

Check out the whole video here to see what OrcNerdPainter has to say!