R’Varna Re-Imaginged – Riptide Showcase

By Rob Baer | May 8th, 2014 | Categories: Army of One, Painted Figure Showcase, Tau

We just got this HOT R’Varna battlesuit spread in the Spikey bits inbox last week and had to share it!

Painted and converted by Skyler Hoeft, I think this R’varna is a very inspiring piece indeed!

Take it away, Skyler…

I felt that the R’varna really needed that shield. It has the same shield generator as the Riptide in game terms anyways.

I just had to add in the Flechette dischargers and the shield seemed like a good place to put them.

The arms, shield, and flechette discharger (goes on shield) were all scratchbuilt from GW sprues and plasticard.

I’ve magnetized the shield, flechette discharger and weapon so that I can run it as a regular Riptide once I get some regular Riptide weapons. Also perhaps it will work for whatever the new Riptide variant is that FW is working on right now.

And then this last one for funsies. I like to imagine this big guy as a massive personal bodyguard for my Ethereal.

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!