Get Your Wash Game On Point – TUTORIAL


Get your wash game on point with this wash blending technique by Technomartyr as he explains how he did the wash work on his D-Thirster.

Technomartyr shows us his technique on wash blending in this tutorial video!

Source: Technomartyr (facebook)

I received a lot of questions about the Wash Blending technique after I posted pictures of my wip D-Thirster. So I put this together to answer them. Enjoy.

wash blend

wash blend

wash blend

For those wanting to know the paints used to get to this point.
Based with Raven Black from Minitaire, followed by Mahogany from the Vallejo Air line for the base wing color.
Midtones were made by working up from Vallejo Ferrari Red, through Scarlet Red. Then started to bring in the highlights of Fire Orange and Moon Yellow.
The final highlight was with GW’s Cadian Fleshtone, followed by a drybrushing of GW’s Screaming Skull.

Get more tutorials on YouTube from Technomartyr and make sure you hit that follow button while you’re over there and let him know what you think of his tutorial video!